Saturday, May 2, 2015

5 Ways to Make Working with Large Amount of Data Faster

Working with a huge amount of data, whether arranged vertically (rows) or horizontally (columns), can be tedious but if the user knows the different functions and right process manipulating the data will not be a problem. Here are the 5 Ways to make the whole process faster.

1. Filter - feature under the Data Ribbon which creates a filter box that can organize, sort or filter all the data a column contains. Just be sure that there are no blanks in any part of the data in the column all the way to the last item or the filter function will be cut only up to the data before the blank.

2. Pivot Table - a feature under the Insert Ribbon which allows the user to manipulate the data in to 4 different parts such as Report Filter, Column Labels, Row Labels and Values. Pivot Table can be arrange in different ways based on what the user needs, it can provide different reports based on the source data.

3. Find and Replace -  a function that is probably the most commonly used by any level of users. From the most basic purpose of finding an item within a database in a spreadsheet to the more complex features like finding and listing down all the position of an item within the spreadsheet or even to all the spreadsheets in the file. Included in the function is to replace the searched item with whatever the user wants by typing the replacement data in the pop up window.

4. Group - another feature of the Data Ribbon which can be used to Group the data in the spreadsheet to have the required summary or total in an organized way. Mainly used for the purpose of presenting a huge amount of data in the most simple way. A feature that offers an option to be done automatically or manually.

5.`Conditional Formatting - a feature of Excel readily seen in the Home Ribbon offers a wide list of functions to easily check the content of the database or spreadsheet. From checking duplicates, which is a  readily configured function, to the complicated ones wherein the user can input a simple to complicated formula and specify the customized format for those items that will match the criteria of formula,

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