Tuesday, May 5, 2015

10 Most Commonly Used Shortcuts by Experienced Users

Experienced users of spreadsheets do not use their mouse for the basic commands in Excel. Those type of users works very fast with their spreadsheets as they are very familiar with the shortcuts for the commands they want to use to manipulate their data. Here are the 10 most commonly used shortcuts by power users of Excel.

1. CTRL+C - the shortcut for Copy, which is by far the most commonly used commands in working spreadsheets. For whatever purpose there will always be a need to copy a specific, a part or a group of data within the spreadsheet.

2. CTRL+X - the shortcut for Cut, mainly useful especially during the process of designing the format of the spreadsheet. A very useful command until such time that user finalizes everything in his worksheet, from format to the content.

2. CTRL+V - the shortcut for Paste, well of course the partner of Copy and Cut to which equal credit must be given. The purpose of the items number 1 and 2 will not be completed until shortcut for paste will be used.

3. CTRL+Z - the shortcut for Undo, the command to remove the last command or character executed or inserted.

4. CTRL+Y - the Shortcut for Redo - the objective of returning the last thing removed.

5. CTRL+S - the shortcut for Save. There are users who made it a habit to use this shortcut every now and then to ensure their work will be saved or their effort with the worksheet will not be wasted in case there will be an unexpected problem.

6. CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow Down - the shortcut to reach the last entry within the column (all the way to the last row). Very useful when working with very huge amount of data in a vertical format.

7. CTRL+SHIFT+ Arrow Right - the shortcut to reach the last entry within the row (all the way to the last column). Very useful when working with very huge amount of data in a horizontal format.

8. ALT+Tab - the shortcut to move to the last application or file opened. If the user is working with 3 different file this shortcut will provide ease of shifting the current file or moving from one file to the other.

9. CTRL+Arrow Down - the shortcut to move or transfer to the sheets to the right of current sheet being used. Copying or Finding data from other sheets will be a lot easier with this shortcut.

10. CTRL+Arrow Right - the shortcut to move or transfer to the sheets to the left of the current sheet being used. Copying or Finding data from other sheets will be a lot easier with this shortcut.

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