Thursday, March 26, 2015

Creating or Formulating Formula in Excel

A tool in excel that will help beginners or those users who just starting to familiarize themselves if creating or formulating formula with their spreadsheets is the Insert Function. The main purpose of guiding the user with all the data needed in creating a formula.

Click the icon beside the formula bar to see the Insert Function window.

Type in the Sear for a function box for the keyword or the name of the function that you want to use. 

"separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">
Click OK.

A wizard-like window will appear based on the function you selected. This window contains information like the name, type or part of data and boxes where you need to select or enter data. Information about each part of the formula are provided below.

The data selected or entered in the boxes can be seen in the formula bar where open and close parentheses were automatically given as starting and ending part of the formula. Data will be separated automatically by commas.

Formula result will be instantly shown as you progress in filling the boxes or parts of the formula. This will also give the idea for the user if the data selected or entered were correct as the result part will show what is the output of the formula.

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